Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Shorter hair

My friend Franzis inspired me to cut my hair a little shorter last Sunday. We were chatting about how tired we are tired of having the same hairstyle for years, how annoying long hair can be at times and how nice it would be to have a little shorter hair now that it's getting warmer. On top of that I had no idea what to do with my hair recently. The ends were dry and damaged because I bleached my hair 2 years ago. I'm currently letting my natural hair color grow out, so I seriously considered just chopping the damaged ends off. And on Sunday I spontaneously did!

After washing my hair I combed it, made a ponytail and cut it off. Xin helped me to touch up the hair I couldn't reach by myself and it was done! Gone is a hair length worth of 1 year of growing, haha! But I don't regret it. It's not that short now and it's a lot more comfortable.

This is what my hair looked like when it was dry: 

And after straightening:

I think we did a pretty good job with the hair cut! Maybe I'll wear it short until my natural hair color has completely grown out, and then consider letting it grow long again. I'm just sick of the bleached blond... at least it doesn't look that bad anymore. The 10cm I cut off looked a lot lighter than my natural hair color, while now it looks more like a soft ombre. I think I'll cut it again when it's getting warmer!

Samstag, 25. April 2015

Cherry blossoms

Today Xin and me went to Primark to go shopping for spring/summer clothes. We went really early in the morning because Primark is always so crowded in the afternoon. Unfortunately we haven't found anything except a sweater for Xin for 3€, haha! I was looking for a cute chiffon blouse, maybe with a peter pan collar. But the ones I found at Primark had a weird cut and were completely transparent... I guess I'm not into the trends that are going on right now. Xin said I should buy clothes next time we are in China, but that wouldn't happen before next Winter. Maybe I'll just order clothes from Yesstyle as soon as I have the money~

We were a bit disappointed because we couldn't find clothes we liked, but at least we spotted these beautiful cherry blossom trees near Primark! Cherry blossoms make me so happy, I mean they are pink and so pretty to look at. It truly feels like Spring has finally arrived when the cherry blossoms start blooming.


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