Samstag, 15. November 2014

Favourite photos of my bunny - R.I.P Bommi

Hello lovelies!

As some of your already know, my beloved bunny Bommi passed away on 2nd November.
It was a sunny autumn day and happend really fast. We assume it was due to an undiscovered bowel disease. Her suffering didn't last too long, which was a little relief to my husband and me.

We will keep her in good memory, and now that I'm feeling better I want to share my favourite photos of my bunny and tell you a little more about her.

This is the first photo I've ever taken of her. It was when I saw her for the very first time... it was love at first sight. She was the cutest bunny I've ever seen!

On the train when I took Bommi home. ^.^ Of course I also had a transport box with me, but she was so calm I let her sit on my lap! A lot of people were smiling at the both of us!

At home on the sofa. I have to work on my laptop a lot and when she was small, Bommi was often lying down right next to me. Of course it was impossible resisting to pet this little fluffy bunny!

When it was warm enough, my sister and I took Bommi out on the balcony with us.

Favourite photo of the both of us!
She was small enough for me to hold her with one hand only. Thinking about how big she got, I wonder how that was ever possible! :)

Being a bunny is exhausting. -_-

The softness in this picture! <3

She always licked our hands, I call it "bunny kisses". It was the best feeling in the world knowing you're so loved. <3

Some of the last pictures were taken only a few days before she passed away. :(
Rest in peace, little Bommi. I wish we could've spent more time together, but the time we had was wonderful and I hope you feel the same. <3

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